Tuesday, January 5, 2010

11 weeks now & this is what Harlan's been up to.

Harlan opened his 1st stocking on Christmas day! Haha, he slept the whole entire time!
He had his 1st Christmas Eve with Momma & Daddy!

He now, finally, loves his bassinet! Our friends Tony& Eryn were kind enough to lend us their gorgeous, all-organic bassinet and after weeks of sleeping with Momma& Daddy... Harlan now sleeps in there all night!
Harlan went to the doctor on December 21st, for his 9 week check-up and he now weighs 9 pounds and 9 ounces!! Yayyy! He went from 5.1 to 9.9, what a big boy he is!

And our most favorite thing is that he's been smiling, cooing, and laughing ALL the time! There is nothing in this world that I love more!!

Gigi comes to Atlanta

...this is Gigi with her great-grandson, Harlan Jet. Harlan was named after the county that my great uncle bill& grandmom were raised in, Harlan County, Kentucky. They are children that grew up in an orphanage& became two of the greatest people I know and look up to. Not to mention, my great grandfather was the sheriff of Harlan county and he was tough to say the least;)

This was a great day for us!

sasser trio Christmas photoshoot!

Well, well, well, Harlan is growing sooo fast & I cannot believe that Harlan is already 2 months old! My friend Abbi was kind enough to do a photoshoot of us for our first official "family Christmas card"! So, we did & I ordered them, and well, they arrived two days before Christmas! Lucky me! So, hopefully you got one, before Christmas, but if not here's a glimpse! We had so much fun doing this and we'll DEFINITELY continue this tradition for next year! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!

Photos by Abbi Conroy

3 weeks & 5 days